Q: How do I know that my booking is confirmed?
A: Whether a booking is made online At AMY.CAB or over the phone (07600009227
), a confirmation would be sent to you via e-mail, which would include your Booking Ref. number Like (AMYCAB0000001) and travel details.
Q: Do I need to register on your site to book car?
A: No. You can use our service fully without the need to register. You just need to provide your details at the time of booking.
Q: What if the car shows up late?
A: We try our best to ensure our partners reach our customers on time. But in case of delays, do call us and we will help you out by either providing an alternate vehicle or giving you a full refund.
Q: Can I change my booking?
A: Yes. You can change the date of booking till 2 days before the booked date free of charge. After that, there will be a cancellation charge as per cancellation policy.
Q: What are the different modes of payment you support?
A: We Accept Payment by Paytm & Payumoney Payment Gatway. We accept all major credit and debit cards. We also accept Cash Cards and Net Banking. In details, we accept the following: Credit Cards: MasterCard, Visa, Diners Club Debit Cards and Cash Cards: ABN-AMRO, Andhra Bank, Axis Bank, Bank of Baroda, Bank of India, The Bank of Punjab, Barclays, Canara Bank, Central Bank of India, Citibank, Corporation Bank, Dena Bank, Deutsche Bank, HDFC Bank, HSBC, ICICI Bank, IDBI Bank, Indian Bank, Indian Overseas Bank, IndusInd Bank, ING Vysya, Karnataka Bank, Karur Vysya Bank, Lakshmi Vilas Bank, Punjab National Bank, South Indian Bank, Standard Chartered, State Bank of India, Syndicate Bank, Federal Bank, Union Bank of India, YES Bank, ItzCash Net Banking: Axis Bank, Citibank, Federal Bank, HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, J&K Bank, State Bank of India
Q: Can I buy for someone else using my credit/debit card?
A: Yes definitely! You need to mention the card holder details for the card payment but you can enter anyone's name for the car booking.
Q: Is it safe to use my credit/debit card on your site? Do you store my card number and details?
A: It is completely safe to use our site. We have partnered with EBS for the payment gateway. EBS provides a 128-bit SSL encryption technology compliant solution which is certified by VeriSign. We don't store any card details.
Q: What are our current cities of operation?
A: We are currently offering our services in Ahmedabad, Bhavnagar. We provide intercity car rental, 8 hour travel packages as well as car services to corporate in these cities.
Q: How is the total fare/price calculated for a intercity car rental service?
A: Intercity car rental fares constitute of various components as below:
- Per KM Rate: This is base rate which will be charged on every KM travelled. The rate varies with car models and operators.
- Minimum KM charged per day: There is a minimum distance which will be charged for every day of usage. In case the actual travelled distance is higher, the later will be charged. Generally the minimum distance charged per day is 300 KM. Please consider the following example for clarity: If you are using the vehicle for 3 days the minimum we will charge you for is 3*300=900 Km, in case your actual usage for the three days (combined) is less (say 500 Km) we will still charge you for 900 Km and in case your usage is higher than 900, we will charge you for your actual KM used.
- Daily Driver allowances: For intercity travel customers need to pay driver allowances. The allowance amount varies with operator. Some operator might also have separate day and night allowances.
- Toll, parking and state taxes: These will be charged on actual at the end of the journey. You need to settle this with the driver in return for the relevant receipts. You can always call us at our helpline in case of any discrepancy.
- Definition of a day: Day is defined as 12 midnight to next day 12 midnight for all the calculation purposes.
Q: How is the total fare/price calculated for a local car rental service?
A: Local car rental fares constitute of various components as below:
- Base fare: This is base rate which will be charged. The base fares are generally available as 8 hour 80 KM packages & Full Day Packages
- Additional KM charges: In case the actual travel is more than the KM mentioned in the base package, additional amount per additional KM need to be paid.
- Additional hour charges: In case the actual hours are more than the usage hour mentioned in the base package, additional amount per additional hour need to paid.
- Toll and parking charges: These will be charged on actual at the end of the journey. You need to settle this with the driver in return for the relevant receipts. You can always call us at our helpline in case of any discrepancy.
Q: what is local, transfer and outstation car rental?
- Local - Half Day (8Hrs/80Kms )
- Local - Full Day (From Midnight 12 to Midnight 12)
- Outstation - One day means Calendar day (From Midnight 12 to Midnight 12)
- Local-Half Day rental charges will be calculated on Hourly basis / Kms Run, The charges will be applicable for 8Hrs. / 80 Kms. And can be extended upto 12 Hrs. / 150 Kms. Under similar package. After which the trip becomes chargeable under different package.
- Local-Fullday Package One calendar day will be calculated from 0000 Hrs. Midnight to 2400 Hrs midnight.For additional run an additional days charge per day +additional Kms
- For outstation travel one calendar day will be calculated from 0000 Hrs. Midnight to 2400 Hrs midnight .For additional run an additional days charge per day +additional Kms. Run per day as logged will be charged extra. All other charges as toll fees, border entry permit fees, drivers allowance and night halting charges for the vehicle will be charged extra.
AMYCAB Accept Master Card, Visa, Maestro Cards, Debit Cards and Cash Cards & provide customer service All days. or You can reach us at +917600009227